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 We work closely with our clients across all industry sectors to create pragmatic and cost effective solutions.
We don’t use a copy and paste approach as every client is different.
We are wholly focused on finding the right solution which will stand the test of time.
This page sets out a number of our core consulting offerings but we love to be challenged, so if it is not on the list let us know and we will try to help

Our Service Offering

Executive Compensation & LTIPS

Executive Compensation is rapidly evolving in the Middle East and unfortunately there is a tendency to make it overly complex and impenetrable to the average employee.

Our focus is to clearly link performance and pay over the long term and ensure incentive plans focus the participants on what really impacts the company’s financial and operational success.

Each plan is customized for the organization in question and is designed based on feedback from all stakeholders.

We will work closely with the Remuneration Committee and the Board as well as the executive directors to create a plan which is both affordable and rewarding.

We have extensive experience with listed and private companies in the region and can implement both cash and equity plans.

All plans are fully documented with financial modeling supporting the potential outcomes.

We also provide employee communication support and we train HR to take ownership of the plan when the project is completed

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